Friday, January 22, 2010

Chocolate, vanilla and sauces

Well, the icecream social Wed. night was a big hit, think most of the campground was there.  First you get a big bowl of ice cream with toppings, then you sit down and are entertained by Karl and Betty Ross who play and sing tunes from the civil war times to a little later.  Many tunes you know and sing along, Karl passes out clackers, rattlers, you can participate.  This becomes a challenge holding a bowl of ice cream, shaking your clacker, then when the song is over you have to clap, in addition I take pictures, get the picture.  The Ross's were great, you didn't want them to quit.  The volunteers at this park do a remarkable job entertaining and helping folks.

Yesterday morning was the pancake sausage breadfast, also great with a big turnout.  Then in the afternoon a jam session was held by the local musicians, harmonicas, jews harps, fiddles, banjos, etc.  No wonder it is almost impossible to get a reservation in this park

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