Friday, February 19, 2010

Flagler Railroad

Tuesday we attended a park ranger talk on the old railroad.  The ranger led up up to the remaining section of the old railroad bridge.  To our surprise and old Cuban lady stepped out from the mock train shown below and pleaded for help on how to get to Cayo Hueso. (The first spanish settlement in the keys was Cayo Hueso, meaning the isle of bones, so named because explorers found the remains of a vast indian grave, the British later Anglicized Cayo Hueso to Key West). She was a delight and went through the whole story of Flagler and the development of the railroad.  At the end of her  story the train whistle sounded and she rushed off to catch the train. It turns out that the Cuban lady is a park ranger who developed the act and designed the caboose. Last pic, Atlantic ocean side of Bahia Honda.

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