Thursday, November 11, 2010

Argentina Ranch & San Antonio de Areco

Yesterday morning we headed NW out of BA for about 75 miles to the pampas and the land of the gauchos. Tina, our tour guide and Carlos, our driver, did a fine job of wining and dining and entertaining us.

Our first stop was the Ranch Don Silvano. The ranch is set up for visitors to get a feel for ranch life and to give an insight into the life of a gaucho. Gauchos were nomads who were mixed blood of the indigenous people and the Spanish. Their expertise was in cattle and horses. On arrival at the ranch we were welcomed with wine and empanadas, toured the ranch on a horse drawn carriage, visited the owners house and watch the gauchos perform with horses. Then it was serious eating with wood fire grilled beef, chicken and sausage accompanied with music and dancing. The beef appeared to be cut with a machete, there were no recognizable regular cuts of beef, but it was good and flavorable. The visit ended with a hot drink of mate (ma-teh).

From there we visited the town of San Antonio de Areco, famed for it's pretty town square, church, silver smiths, chocolate factory and preservation of gaucho history.

Pics, ranch owners home, gauchos rounding up horses wearing a bonia...a goucho beret, Tina and Nita awaiting lunch, silver harness...gauchos liked silver belts and to adorn their horses saddles and harness with silver, chocolate factory and Carlos with owner of 100 year old family store-old cat too.

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