Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grayton Beach State Park

On the way to Grayton we spent a night at the Stephen Foster park in northern Fl.  It has a great campground and a tall  97 bell carillon tower that plays the old Stephen Foster songs, you have to be kind of mature to remember them, we used to sing them in grade school.  Grayton park is in the Florida panhandle on the gulf.  We attended a rally there with 48 motor homes like ours and almost twice that amount of people and a mixture of pets....dogs, cats, parrots and a cockateel.  It was an enjoyable 4 days with fish frys, pot luck lunches, pancake breakfasts and late night Texan hold um poker games.  David and Candy who hosted the rally did a magnificent job.

The group picture of the View/Navion rally folks, picture taken by Micheal Vickey holding the foremost dog called Hudson

 Frying the fish, our host David in plaid shirt
Lunch entertainment, David and Candy's son Matt on the violin
 One of the potluck lunches

She never folds  but always wins.
Candy, our hostess getting some needed nourishment 

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