The sea cows/manatees are pretty smart, they know how to operate thru the locks, they wait patiently for the lock gate to open, swim in and wait for the water to rise or fall and the opposite gate to open to continue their journey.
Yesterday we strolled through the Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve near Fort Myers. There are board walks through this cypress swamp and around the ponds with nice views of birds, turtles, alligators, etc. spent about 2 hours wandering around
We were disappointed we were not able to attend the grand opening of Debendra's new restaurant in Annapolis called Basmati. Debendra is Kim's husband and they have both put great effort into getting this restaurant started. The web site is
Other than some of the above we have been enjoying the weather, reading, visiting other campers from all over the states and Canada and being lazy.
Our tamale server, 4 years old from Honduras
Manatee patiently waiting along with boat for the water in the lock to drop and the gate to open
Great Egret waiting for lunch
The 3 Turtles, momma turtle, papa..............
Location:Ortona Locks