Saturday, May 30, 2009

LBJ Ranch to Fredricksburg, TX

Thurs. morn we caravaned to the LBJ Ranch just south of Johnson City, TX. What a beautiful place, under mgt. of the Fed. it is still raising crops, cattle and full of deer and antelope. On this large property is a farm where the The front of the house is on the Pedernales river where he entertained world dignitaries and friends. The pictures of the wild flowers are on the ranch but are common all over the hill country area. From the ranch we went to Fredricksburg which is an old German community, a popular tourist attraction, had dinner at a Bavarian restaurant.
Yesterday the group went to a vineyard on the lake and had a tasting, all bought wine to have our own tasting at the park last night. Tonight is a big cookout, got to stop eating somewhere along the line.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Texas Hill Country

We left Austin Mon. morning and drove to Inks Lake state park for the Skinnie Winnie rally. The name comes from the small Winnebago motor homes we have. From Austin west is the hill country and it is beautiful rolling country with wild flowers everywhere. Unlike the swollen rivers of AK and TN this area has been in a drought and most rivers are barely flowing. You can see from the pictures we have a nice spot on the lake. Roy, Judy, Lynn and Claudia of.. the group generously fix breakfast for all each morning. Yesterday we drove to Llano to Cooper's BBQ for lunch. You go to the pits and pick out your meat then go inside to weigh and pay for it. Quite good and messy.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Austin, the state Capital

Arrived at McKinney Falls park within the city limits of Austin Sat. My has Austin changed since we left here in 1958. Yesterday cruised around Austin visiting the capital building and grounds, campus of UT where I went to school and searched for the veteran housing we used to live in, torn down long ago. The capital building and grounds are the most beautiful we have seen, lots of oil money probably helped, it's modeled after our national capital building.

The park is OK, better suited for families with children to swim and play under the falls, but very handy to tour Austin. Tomorrow we leave for the Winnebago View rally at Inks Lake about 75 miles north of here.
Pictures: Tower at UT, oak tree on the capital grounds resting it's limbs on the ground, inside the capital looking up at the dome and the capital building.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rejection, how cruel

No vacancy, booked up for weeks, don't even come out. That's what you get when you haven't made reservation for a Fri. night on Memorial Day weekend. Decided to go to a Corps park on Lake Somerville Texas. Turns out there are many parks on this large lake and we mistakenly got to a private park, Big Creek Marina. All sites for rv's taken, but they had a primitive place to park, desperate we took it. It was on open space on the lake, set up on a point right on the lake, only ones there, beautiful, serene, and under some large post oak trees. Little did we know chaos was about to break loose, in about an hour they started arriving, kids, dogs, grandparents, boats, tents, fisherman and all sorts of floating devices for the lake. Was like a 3 ring circus, however it was entertaining, sat out in the chairs just taking it all in. Don't thinks many went to bed, especially several dogs who barked all night. Was fun and a better choice than a hot Walmart parking lot.

Read in the Texas magazine several months a review of BBQ's in the whole state. #1 was a place called Snow's BBQ in Lexington, TX. Since we were on our way from the lake to Mckinney Falls near Austin and it was nearby we decided to stop at Snow's. If you go here's a tip, arrive before noon, when we got there about 11am there was a huge line and by the time we got to the counter the brisket was sold out, had to settle for sausage. There had been a big carry out crowd today. The woman behind the counter said they are frequently sold out by noon, when sold out they close.
Pictures, Snow's BBQ and some of the local patrons and our peaceful spot before chaos.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mr. Anderson

  1. When we checked into Willow Creek Corps of Engr. park the office was closed, we proceeded to the camp sites where we met Mr. Anderson, he had a nice 40 foot motor home on a nice site. He graciously informed us to take any site and if we had a Golden Age Passport the fee for the sites was $9.50/nite, put in envelope an leave at gate. He explained he was a full timer, no home, lives in his motor home with wife. He stays in this park for a max. of 48 days, has to move out for one day then comes back for another 48. For his 9.50 or less than $300 per month he gets his place on the beautiful Arkansas river, all utilities and no taxes, he loves it. Not too bad Mr. Anderson.

We left Willow Creek around 8am and drove till we got tired, wound up in Tyler, TX and will leave here tomorrow and find something between here and Austin.
Pictures, having some trouble loading them and haven't figured out how to title them yet. One of Clinton Library, Nita waiting for her pancakes, and me with Star Trek shirt. Maybe you remember the Star Trek episode, Trouble with Tribbles, and you might have guessed the title of this blog is kind of a play on that theme.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Takin a break in Little Rock

We had a beautiful traveling day yesterday. They have had major flooding in TN and AK, the mississippi and arkansas rivers over their banks, no effects on us but the park we are in now just opened the day before we arrived due to flooding. We are camped in a Corps of Engineers park called Willow Beach just outside Little Rock on the arkansas, very nice and we are staying a 2nd night. Weather great, clear and up to 80 today

This morning we are running around town and visited the Clinton Library, very nice. Now sitting in the parking lot of a public library using their wifi. Next stop groceries and back to the river to relax and Nita says to play dominos.

Got lucky and got reservation for Sat-Mon at Mckinney Falls in Austin TX. Now have to sweat out the next 2 nites, no bid deal.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The high fiber bar

Had a good traveling day yesterday with a strong wind from behind. Stopped at a great Corps of Engineers park near Nashville called 7 Points, site right on the lake. Left early this morning with the intent of reaching Little Rock this afternoon. We are a little in a bind because I didn't think of making reservations over the coming holiday weekend, find everything booked, will have to play it by ear.

When we stop the making time days will included some pictures.

Oh yeah, high fiber bar. For a snack yesterday mid morn opened a box of high fiber bars with choc chips. Very good, however the action started in the afternoon and continued till evening. The comments ranged from you are disgusting, mutually, to uncontrolled laughter, good thing we didn't have guests. Will toss the rest of them or save for when we are in less confined quarters.

Monday, May 18, 2009

on the road

Left home in the rain yesterday morning, shorts and sandals, about 8am. Weather cleared up in a few hours and got cool, got out of rv around Roanoke, VA and about froze. Got a camp site at
Raccoon Branch in the Mount Rogers National Forest, pretty place up in the mountains at about 2500 feet. Played some dominoes with a scotch, had dinner and got to bed early. Woke up this morning and it was near 32 degree, so much for global warming. We are in middle TN now headed for Nashville, have no reservations but hope to find a site at 7 Points Fed. campground. Tomorrow will get into Arkansas.

The campground last night was near a little town called Sugar Grove, VA. According to our host Sugar Grove used to be a very productive maple sugar producing area, lots of maple trees. We were the only people in the campground last night other than the host, who was happy to see us. as he was kind of lonely. More later

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16, 2009, first entry

After 3 days of packing up the motorhome we depart Maryland tomorrow morning for an extended trip. Highlights will be a rally in Inks Lake state park, TX with people who have the same kind of motorhome (Winnabago View/Navion), a family reunion in Amarillo, TX, and up to Utah to see the sights and visit our son. From there will wander on with no fixed agenda but to relax and see some beautiful country.