Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mr. Anderson

  1. When we checked into Willow Creek Corps of Engr. park the office was closed, we proceeded to the camp sites where we met Mr. Anderson, he had a nice 40 foot motor home on a nice site. He graciously informed us to take any site and if we had a Golden Age Passport the fee for the sites was $9.50/nite, put in envelope an leave at gate. He explained he was a full timer, no home, lives in his motor home with wife. He stays in this park for a max. of 48 days, has to move out for one day then comes back for another 48. For his 9.50 or less than $300 per month he gets his place on the beautiful Arkansas river, all utilities and no taxes, he loves it. Not too bad Mr. Anderson.

We left Willow Creek around 8am and drove till we got tired, wound up in Tyler, TX and will leave here tomorrow and find something between here and Austin.
Pictures, having some trouble loading them and haven't figured out how to title them yet. One of Clinton Library, Nita waiting for her pancakes, and me with Star Trek shirt. Maybe you remember the Star Trek episode, Trouble with Tribbles, and you might have guessed the title of this blog is kind of a play on that theme.


  1. I'm not sure if mom's pancakes are big enough!! She's also going to need more syrup the next time you go to the store!
    Sounds like Mr. Anderson has figured out a way to beat the system, hope his wife is cute!
    Tyler and Austin in one week, pretty cool. Too bad Victoria is too far south :(
    I've called seven people this morning to kayak with me but everyone is so damn lazy that they can't take time for a little exercise.
    Did 18 holes at a frisbee golf park with Tyler and friends yesterday, I lost, but won a blister on my finger.
    Enjoy Austin!!

  2. Looks like you guys are having fun as usual. GF, you may have to use your star trek/jedi powers to muscle down those pizzas...Urgh! I mean pancakes.

    Keep the posts coming.
