Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The high fiber bar

Had a good traveling day yesterday with a strong wind from behind. Stopped at a great Corps of Engineers park near Nashville called 7 Points, site right on the lake. Left early this morning with the intent of reaching Little Rock this afternoon. We are a little in a bind because I didn't think of making reservations over the coming holiday weekend, find everything booked, will have to play it by ear.

When we stop the making time days will included some pictures.

Oh yeah, high fiber bar. For a snack yesterday mid morn opened a box of high fiber bars with choc chips. Very good, however the action started in the afternoon and continued till evening. The comments ranged from you are disgusting, mutually, to uncontrolled laughter, good thing we didn't have guests. Will toss the rest of them or save for when we are in less confined quarters.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, watch out for those high-fiber bars. Grandfather, I can't believe you have a blog, you're more tech-savvy than me! I'm looking forward to seeing the updates.
