Sunday, July 5, 2009

Badlands, Minuteman and Henrietta loves Buster

At the Bandlands RV park the owner has a 6 year old pet buffalo cow named Henrietta that he say is sweet and docile, she seemed to be as I stood a few feet from her separated by a strand of rusty barbed wire. Two years ago he put a weaned 2 mo. old cattle steer, named Buster, in the field with Henrietta, having no calves of her own Henrietta took on Buster as her baby. Today Buster is almost as big as his momma, wherever Henrietta goes Buster follows, when she lies down so does he. You can see the love in their eyes.
Off of I90 east of Wall, SD on a dirt road is a Minuteman Missile silo. It has been decommissioned and is displayed by the Natl. park service. There used to be 450 of these missiles silo's buried around this part of the country. I shot the picture of the missile through the added glass cover as seen in the 2ND picture. There was not much to be seen above ground when they were operational. The other picture was taken in the Badlands.

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