Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Are we bird watchers?

Real birdwatchers are very serious about their hobby, they come with binoculars, multiple cameras, tripods and books.  The lens on their cameras are 2 to 3 feet long and probably cost several grand.  So we are not true birdwatchers, but we went on a 2 hour bird walk with a ranger and really enjoyed it, did buy a bird  book afterward and our puny little camera did a pretty good job. The pics are from the ranger walk and several of our independent walks.  A facinating bird is the Anhinga, a diving water bird, male has a black neck and female a brown neck.  The Wood Stork has an ugly head but is beautiful in flight.  We saw the beautiful Roseated Spoonbill and Swallow tailed Kite in flight but was not quick enough to get a picture.

Pics, Female Anhinga, Male Anhinga, female Anhinga feeding young chicks, Wood Stork, Wood stork head, buddy alligators, Green Heron, Brown Pelican, Great Egret, Tri Colored Heron and Moorhens, Purple Gallinule, American Bittern, and Double-crested Cormorant.

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