Monday, March 8, 2010

The Blonde Alligator Whisperer

The last few days were spent at Lake Griffin state park because it is 9 miles from our friends Joyce and Kent who live in The Villages.  Kent's surprise birthday party with 70 some guests was a great success, only Joyce could pull that off.  See pictures of his guests and Joyce and Nita, former motorcycle mama's that were co-pilots with Kent and I as we toured the counry for. quite a few years.

Lake Griffin is home of a monster Live Oak Tree and has a nice lake where we took another canoe trip.  Saw more alligators with my partner paddler who is an Alligator Whisperer.  What did she whisper?  Very quietly she said, "get me the hell out of here".

Oh, just in case you didn't get enough birds here are a few more we found at Griffin. 1st, Glossy Ibis, Little Blue Heron and last Great Blue Heron.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would be whispering the same thing. I hope you had a gun handy in case someone rocked the boat the wrong way!!
