Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Corkscrew Audubon Sanctuary and Immokolee

We departed the Franklin Locks Monday morning and headed southeast to tour the Corkscrew sanctuary. They have a 2 mile boardwalk through the cypress swamp to view plants and wildlife. It turned out to be a disappointment as there has been a long drought in Fl and most of the swamp was dried out and little wild life. It was warm and Nita didn't fully appreciate the 2 mile walk in her hot jeans? We continued on to the Seminole Indian Casino in Immocoklee. We had an open night before our reservation at the Ortona Locks and the casino offered free parking and electricity. Nita found her favorite slot machine, Birthday Party, and paid the casino handsomely for their electricity, ugh, casino not dumb. At 5:30 in the morning we were awakened by a loud crashing sound, one of the casino workers getting off work was sailing out of the parking lot, probably on her cell phone and ran head on into one of the tall steel light posts, she got out ok but her car was totally disabled. No more nights at a casino.

We are now set for two weeks at the Ortona Locks by the river. Our good friends Jack and Martha Bently are here for the same 2 weeks. Just returned from shopping with them, bought some octopus for a snack tonight, Martha not too enthused about it.

Dry cypress swamp

Not much wild life, did find this 1 inch frog

And a colorful Anhinga
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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