Monday, January 21, 2013

Heat-Humidity Birds

Looking at license plates in Florida at this time you find a very high percentage of them out of state. I wouldn't be surprised if the population didn't double in the winter. In the RV parks 100% are out of state. Some natives here complain about the invasion of snowbirds in the winter, most of whom were also snowbirds before moving here permanently. In reality the state wouldn't survive economically without us snowbirds. In some ways they take advantage of the snow birds, Disney World offers discounts to FL residents but not to those out of state, the state campgrounds offer 50% discount to FL residents but not seniors out of state, however a small price to pay for a pleasant warm winter. Many FL homes have a motorhome parked along side or huge garages containing motorhomes. Guess what, they take off in the summer when its 100 degrees and 100% humidity for northern cooler climates and most all states give them senior discount at the parks. What should we call them, yes, Heat Humidity Birds.

This pretty guy is a Muscovy Duck, think he is moving his wings around to dry them.

This Great Egret has his tail feathers billowing out by a breeze, years ago they were killed in mass to provide feathers for ladies hats.

Sea Cow munching water Lilly's in front of our site.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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