Thursday, February 28, 2013

Grapefruit league for the Birds

Nita got to see her favorite baseball team today as the Minnesota Twins hosted the Baltimore Orioles at their winter training camp in Fort Myers. The Birds played most of their second string players to let them get some experience. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed the outing but we lost 7-1.

The Minnesota Twins winter training camp, Hammond Stadium, Fort Myers

The opening pitch

Get your ducks, or birds in a row, in this case Cormarants, there a is a Cormarants awaiting a vacancy so he can hop up. Notice how nicely they decorate their balls. This row of buoys keep boats from getting to near to the hazardous turbulent water exiting from the damn.

The fishing pier at the Corps campground. This fisherman is throwing a casting net, it takes a lot of practice to make good casts.

Nice cast, net just hitting the water, it sinks and traps the fish under the net.

Caught 8 Striped Mojarra on this cast.

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