Saturday, February 16, 2013

Nature lovers love Myakka River State Park

The park is one of Florida's largest and most diverse natural areas. It is located about 20 miles east of Sarasota. The river flows through 58 square miles of wetlands, prairies, hammocks, 2 lakes and pinelands. There is a 7 mile scenic drive and 39 miles of hiking trails and many dirt roads that provide access to the remote interior. Our ability to hike into remote areas is not what it used to be but there was much to see on short hikes off the 7 mile drive. The last time we were here we saw a bunch of wild boars, didn't spot them this time.

The park offers a guide tour of the lake in this propeller driven air boat

The river is full of fish, this guy just caught this tilapia, said the day before he caught 25 and this is a small one, great eating. The tilapia is an invasive species and has really multiplied. The alligators get fat from eating them along with birds and as the signs warn, small dogs.

We saw several flock of wild turkeys, this Tom looking after his hens. There is a second Tom behind the one in front. Click on the pictures to enlarge.

A turkey hen that I got close to.

Was walking around the lake shoreline and was very close to him before I saw him half hidden in the grass. Would have probably spit me out if he had taken a bite.

Three of a group of 6

1 comment:

  1. That croc was too close for comfort. Please be careful -- and aware!
    Love you.
