Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Grand Marais rally

It doesn't take much to get rv people on the road, mention a rally and off they go. We thought we might have traveled the longest distance, however there were several from Washington and Oregon and one gal all the way from Fairbanks, Alaska. A total of 52 like motorhomes and about 100 folks. Lynn and Claudia were the generous organizers of this rally with the help of many volunteers. A large recreation building is dedicated for the group where pancake breakfasts, wine sharing, soup suppers, pizza parties, tech sessions, etc. are presented by our volunteers. It's been a fun rally and will end this morning after donuts from the Worlds Best Donuts.

The pancake breakfast crew.

Wine sharing and soup supper

This little squirrel is getting seeds or nuts out of cone. He was about 3 feet from our dinette window.

Folks bring all kinds of alternative transportation, cars, scooters, bicycles, scooters. This member has a Segway and the little dog between his legs loves the ride.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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