After 3 days of shutting down the house and packing the motorhome we got underway yesterday morning. The first stop was Noah's arc in Frostburg,Md.
In 1974 the pastor of the church was repeatedly told by Jesus to build an arc next to the freeway, I -70. The arc would be 450' long, 75 wide and 45 tall. Through a period of rapid and slow progress miracles continued, "A visitor who stopped by to see what was happening was healed of bronchitis", "A man was healed of a sun allergy he had all his life while working on the arc"' I myself was relieved of a gastronomical issue photographing the site, must stay away from those fiber cookies. As you can see there is still much to be done, I wish him well in completing the arc.
Glad to see you are up and blogging -- and with your usual wry sense of humor.