Sunday, June 7, 2009

Amarillo In The Morning

Thursday morning we departed the canyon and headed for Amarillo, TX to attend a family reunion. The reunion was held at the Amarillo KOA campground, graciously hosted by the owners Tim and Bobbi Hulen who just happen to be my nephew and his wife. More on the reunion on the next blog.
Things are big in Texas, like the rocking chair we are sitting in and the 72 ounce steak they serve for free, that is if you can eat it all along with bread, potato and other stuff. If you don't clean your plate you gotta pay around $75, if you do eat it all you probably wish you hadn't.
Some say your visit to Amarillo is not complete without a visit to Cadillac Ranch, 10 Cadillacs buried nose down in a field at the same angle as Cheops' pyramids. They represent the Golden age of autos from 1949 through 1963. Most bring a can of paint to spell their names, the paint has to be a good 1 inch thick.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear all about the reunion! Looks like the Texas show was fun, and the cars, what a hoot! I would have taken some spray cans with me. Have you and mom shrunk, or is that rocking chair big?!! You both certainly look happy!
    I'm typing on my new Imac that I got on Sunday. It's going to take a few days to get used to it.
    Victoria graduated and drove to OC on Sunday. Austin is very happy with his new Honda Insight! He got 54 miles/gallon on his way to work yesterday! Tyler is busy working for various people. We all went to Jerry's unveiling on Sunday and saw the family. I'm glad I was there for Mark. Yesterday we took his aunts out for dinner and talked about Jerry, which Mark really enjoyed.
    I've been kayaking my arms off!! I put in six hours over the last three days.
    I gotta get back to fixing up my new toy.
    Enjoy Texas!!
    Love you both,
