Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last day in St Pierre

Monday morning we had our continental breakfast at the hotel, nice croissants, jams and tea.  Hiked to the cemetery to observe some of the different tombs and head stones.  The day before we took a van tour of the island, the french driver wasn't the greatest English speaker, anyway as we paused by the cemetery he pointed out some unique crypts and tomb stones,  a number of them had port holes in them, he said fishermen were buried in them, you could look right in, kinda dark didn't see much.  On other head stones there were holes and it looked like a fan was inserted,  he suggested those buried there were smokers and the hole was to let the smoke out,  suspect there is not much truth to that.

We departed SP at 2:30 for a 2 hour ferry ride back to our home sweet home(away from home).  We had calmer waters on the way back and had some whale sightings. Back to shredded wheat instead of croissants, peanut butter instead of fillets and scallops in grand sauces,  whole wheat bread instead of great baguettes, the french know how to eat, think I put on a few pounds in a few days there.

Pics, port hole crypt, smoke hole on stone, waiting for ferry back to Fortune-how do you like our fancy luggage, NL, ferry arriving, more colorful houses in SP..

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