Tuesday, August 24, 2010

When it's time to go home, go.

After leaving New Brunswick yesterday morning we traveled 600 miles, tried to get a campground in Mass. but it was fully booked.  Traveled on to Connecticut where we got a few hours of sleep in a rest stop and drove the remaing 400 miles to arrive home this afternoon.

The trip went smooth, the only problem we had was a kitchen faucet I installed had a valve fail, was forced to use the bathroom sink to wash dishes  The little diesel performed flawlessly, which is a good thing because I doubt if there were any Mercedes Sprinter folks in Newfoundland.

I have had a few comments from folks who have followed our blog.  If you have watched the blog and would like to critique it I would appreciate hearing from you.  Drop me an email, halsey6418@msn.com

The blog will go dormant till our next trip in November to Buenos Aires, no we won't be taking the motor home there.  Will leave you with a video of the Northern Gannets we took at Cape St Mary's on bird rock.

(PS, you can enlarge any picture in this blog to full size by clicking on it, then return to the blog by the back arrow)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it home safely. I enjoyed your blog almost as much as the border guys did your tomatoes.

    P.s. Linda and I became G. Grandparents last Wed. Our Grand-daughter Jennifer had a 3 lb.-14 oz. Baby girl. Mother and daughter doing well but baby will be in an incubator for a while.
