Monday, March 3, 2014

Birders Delight, part 1

Yesterday we drove down to Boynton Beach to visit the Wakodahatchee Wetlands. There are board walks all through the wetlands, the walks go though ponds and marshes with various vegetation and trees. Occupants are many, gators, raccoons, mice, fish, etc. and a great assortment of magnificent birds of all sizes. The magic hour of photography is an hour or so after sunrise and before sunset, this time brings out the serious and not so serious photographers. We arrived around 4:30 pm and had to wait awhile to find a place to park. Nita was a good sport and covered several miles walking around with her hyper amateurish photographer, we stopped several times for a rest. Love to visit this place. Click on the pictures to get better resolution.

Purple Gallinue, this is a juvenile, the adults get deep purple.

This is a Great Egret, it is performing a ritual in the nest of standing up tall and then squatting.

Another beautiful display of his plumes. Note the green color between the bill and the eye.

A pair of Great Blue Herons raising two chicks.

A Great Egret returning to the nest, the sun illuminates the bone structure in the wing.


  1. I love the picture of the Great Egret ritual! Looks like you have some great bird watching!

    1. Thanks for you comment Victoria. The mating ritual was fascinating, probably took several dozen shots, like the one shown best.
