Sunday, March 9, 2014

First day of the alligator mating season

In addition to daylight saving time change today it is also the start of alligator mating season which runs through April. I am going to have to be careful on my treks around the shore line, with my farmer tan and wrinkled skin I fear I could be mistaken for a gator to a testosterone hyped up gator, I'm not ready for an alligator roll, or even a gator hug. To prepare for a fast retreat we started off the day with blueberry/pecan pancakes, eggs and a big glass of Gatorade. You may think this is a croc, but you gotta be prepared.

Ready for action

We visited the Navy Seal museum in Fort Pierce.

Seal underwater attack sub

If you saw the movie, Captain Phillips, this is the lifeboat that the Seals rescued to save the captain.

This guy may be related to a gator, shown here attacking the exhaust pipe of our motorhome, nothing is safe when they are in season.


  1. Do be careful! Those things look like you really don't want to mess with them. Be aware. Love you.

  2. Pretty cool to see the lifeboat. Were there bullet holes in it?

    1. Didn't look for holes but window partially broken out.
