Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fogo Island

We met Harv & Barb Wells on the ferry from NS to NL.  They have a summer home on Fogo Island and said the island was so nice that we should visit there on our travels.  We followed their advice and Wed. morning we caught the ferry to Fogo Island.  Spent the first night in Tilting, a pretty village with a concentration of Irish descendants, in fact the geography of Tilting almost seemed like Ireland.  There were no rv facilities and we were told to park anywhere.  Found a nice grassy spot by the beach and spent the night.  We almost had a mishap coming into Tilting, a caribou came out of the trees right in our path, we braked, and he scurried back into the woods, there is a large herd on the island. Wasn't quick enough to get a picture of him.

Thurs. morn we stopped at the village of Joe Batt's Arm on Fogo.  Called Harv and Barb to ask for some travel advice.  They asked us to stop by, their summer home is a lovely place right on the sea.  We got to meet some of their family and enjoyed visiting with them over a cup of tea and some fig bars.  Got to taste some bakeapple jam, bakeapples are a small fruit that grows wild and each plant bears one fruit.  Their daughter went out on a 4 wheeler and gathered a bucket of them.

Pics, Piloting ferry to Fogo, kids buried on beach at Tilting, boondocking at beach, Harv-Barb-Nita and Ryan, bucket of bakeapples and waterfront of Wells home.

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