Saturday, July 24, 2010

Moose, woodpiles and gardens

Friday 23rd, AM

Last night we stayed again in St Anthony as it was too late to head back down south.  Left this moring and enjoyed seeing moose along the way.  Many don't drive at night due to the the risk of hitting a moose, if hit they do more that damage your vehicle, some as big at 1500 pounds can come right through the windshield and wipe you out. In the daytime they are still a hazard but you can see them better and they are not as active.

All along the roads there are hugh stacks of firewood, most are not anywhere a home.  Each stack has a permit no. on it that some resident has bought.  This allows them to harvest wood from Proviencial land for heating.  There sleds by some that are used when the ground is snow covered to pull the wood home behind a snowmobile.  It's the same deal with vegetable gardens along the roads and highways, most nowhere near a home.

Pics, bull and cow moose, 2 cows and a bull, decorated lawn(see bed of roses), flyfisherman after salmon and trout-has a bug net over his face, garden along road-fence to keep moose out, woodpile.  Order of pics mixed up but you can figure them out.

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