Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh Canada

We left home Sunday morning for a trip to Canada.  Final destination is Newfoundland with a number of stops to and from.  Sunday morning traffic was not too bad and made it to Maine the first night, found a nice campsite in the woods in Soco, ME.

Monday we crossed the border at Calais,ME.  It's always a good feeling crossing into Canada, every thing seems to be neat and clean, the congestion is gone and traffic on the roads is minimal. In the afternoon found a great little provincial park in New Brunswick called New River Beach.  It was right on the Bay of Fundy, it was low tide and down over 20 feet.  The picture of Nita is out several hundred feet fron the high tide mark and the fog was so thick you couldn't see very far. The days have been warm and nights very cool, good for sleeping at night, need the heater on in the morning.

Pic, Maine camping spot in the woods


  1. Hello Halsey
    I enjoyed reading your blog. We met at the Ink's rally back in 09. We just returned from a trip through NS, PEI, NB, Quebec and Ontario. Our crossing at Calais was not as uneventful. We got the full shakedown treatment; including the drug sniffing dog. Maybe it was our Texas plates. Good luck on the rest of your journey.
    Boyd Slade

  2. Hi Boyd
    Missed you comment till today. I did notice at calais that there were some vehicles that they pulled over to inspect, guess we were lucky. You missed a nice national rally at Lancaster, Pa in June. Next time you visit the maritime provicences don't pass up NL. Thanks for looking at the blog.

    Halsey 08vj, MD
