Saturday, July 24, 2010

Off the beaten path and meeting the nicest poeple

Friday noon

The long road up to St. Anthony is a one way deal, you have to come back the same way.  However you can make many side trips.  There is a narrow strip of land that goes out into the Bay of St Lawrence, and at the very end is a little fishing community called New Ferolle.  We drove up to the fish processing plant there in hopes of observing the activity, but they seemed to be finished for the day.  We stopped along the road to watch a boat being drug up the bank by a pickup truck.  A young woman came out of her house and I asked her about the fish plant and if there were some fisherman there we could get some fresh cod, her name is Lucy Doyle and she said she just finshed her lunch of cod fish and she had some left and asked us to come in for lunch.  What a nice treat, she served us cod filtets and cod britches, they are called britches because they are shaped like a pair of britches, they are the cod roe.  Along with the cod she served homemade bread, potatos, tea and some good molasses for the bread, then gave us a big fresh cod filet to take. We enjoyed talking with Lucy, she spends the summer here and teaches in St Anthony the rest of the year.  She is very self sufficient for food, she hunts moose and has the meat for all year, fish is plentyful and she grows her vegetables.  Her son works in the fishing business and she has relatives in other parts of Canada and the US, she said if all the Newfoundlanders returned home at once it would sink the island.  Many thanks Lucy, you made our day.

Pics, boat being pulled out with truck, cod britches and filets, Lucy-our charming host, Lucy and Nita and comunity of New Ferolle.

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