Tuesday, July 27, 2010


We departed Deer Lake Sunday morning and arrived in Twillingate around 4.  This is a small lsland in the north central NL.  Stopped at a lobster fishermans shack just before arriving and got a 3 pound lobster to take to the campsite, strawberries are just in season and got a box of them, never had such sweet strawberries.  Did a short hike, had a glass of wine overlooking the sea, then had our dinner.  It rained all night and are we are having a few drizzles now, parked at the library using theri wifi.  Will tour around the area to sight see and plan to camp tonight at Dildo Run not too far away.  We have a lot of places we still want to visit and have no schedule as to when we will depart.  Have had not problems getting camping spots.

Tuesday: Still in Twillingate and raining, will attend a play tonight called the Split Peas then depart in the morning for Fogo Island.

Pics, checking out wild flowers, dinner, and the Twillingate harbor/


  1. The lobster dinner is too much. Now I'm really jealous!

  2. Dave, bet you could eat a 3# lobster all by yourself. Had a heck of a time cracking it open, took it outside and whacked the claws with a hammer on a rock, it exploded and shot lobster juice all over me.
