Friday, July 16, 2010

Slow day

Got kind of a late start today, read awhile, am reading The Girl with the Dargon Tatoo, quite interesting.  Nita reading the Laura Bush book which she finds enjoyable.  Left the park and drove several hours to exit the island.  Continured on the Baddeck, NS to visit the Alexander Graham Bell historic site. Spent about an hour there, then drove to a campsite hear North Sydney where the ferries depart for Newfoundland.  Filled up our tank with diesel fuel and went to the grocery store to stock up, expect stuff to be more expensive there.  Diesel is $4/gal, milk 7.50/gal, not cheap living here. We have a 9:30am departure time for Channel Port- Aux -Basques, NL, a 6 hour ride. NS is on Atlantic time and NL on Newfoundland time which is 30 minutes later, kind of strange. 

When we checked into the campground here the owner asked if we have ever been to NL, said yes 20 years ago on a motorcycle and froze our ass off in July, he said you will probably freeze it off again, I said but we have a heater with us this time.


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